Category: announcements

Against Turkish attack in Kurdish Afrin

Since 20/1 the Turkish army along with mercenaries, under the command of Erdogan, is constantly attacking the liberated kurdish canton of Afrin, in the wider region of Syria. This new round of attacks aims at violently and brutally suppressing the democratic revolution currently taking place in the regions of Afrin. The tension and the continuity of the attacks show that the great powers and, above all, Turkey are not willing to allow the Kurds and the other populations in the region to claim their autonomy.
The democratic revolution in Rojava is one of the largest modern experiments for freedom and democracy. We have a duty to defend it from the expansionism of states and capital and, of course, to propagate it in whatever way we can.

The struggle at Afrin is a struggle for freedom, equality and dignity.
Demonstration on 17/1 at 11:45, Aristotelous Square (at the statue of Venizelos)
SALONICA – Solidarity to Afrin Initiative

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(ελληνικά) Εκδήλωση/Ενημέρωση Ο πόλεμος στο Αφριν και η κατάσταση έκτακτης ανάγκης στην Τουρκία 3/2/18 18:30

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(ελληνικά) Συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης στους 5 συλληφθέντες

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